Know of what is happening at LAMAU
On February 4, 2023 Lake Malawi Anglican University with support from FDH Bank Plc - Malawi and Malawi National Youth Network on Climate Change - NYNCC planted trees around Lake Malawi Anglican University area 47 campus under the Malawi Government lead by Ministry of Natural Resources and Climate Change - Malawi in the 2022/2023 rainy season.
Thanks to FDH Bank Plc - Malawi satellite at Crossroads Complex for the 250 tree seedlings.
Speaking before the tree planting exercise, University Registrar, Mr B.W. Ndalama and Bank's Team Leader expressed optimism that the students and management will take care of the trees for maximum survival rate. The registrar assured the bank that as LAMAU management together with the students will make sure that the trees are taken care and that next year same time the bank can come to check if the trees survived.
On her part the Bank's team leader expressed their gratitude and pledges for their more of such initiative and support as these trees are not only for the current generation but also the future generations to come.
College Registrar and FDH officials pose for a photo
Students Union President planting a tree
The College UR planting a tree