Lake Malawi Anglican University Students Uniion (LSU) also abbreviated as LSU is a student body led by 12 executive members chaired the the president.
It acts as the bridge between the managementand students such that it is responsible for managing student's affairs and presenting reports to the university management and staff. A student becomes a member of LSU upon being enrolled with LAMAU
The current LSU executive Committe is as follows:
President: Salomon Mkwegwe
Vice President: Joshua Tiphande
Sectretary: Victoria Manyamba
Finance Director: Shupicuy Gawani
Academics Director: Leonard Chingoka
Sports Director: Lizwethini Ndalama
Entertainment Director: Tadala Ching'ondo
Chief Deacon: Elizabeth Chimbiya
Chief Deaconnes: Joseph Mphaya
Chapel Steward: Joseph Machisawo
Miss LAMAU: Miguel Chilemba
Mr LAMAU: Nellia Mwawa
For any communication relating the LSU can be sent to the following;
Lake Malawi Anglican University,
Students Union (LSU),
P.O. Box 30606,
Phone: +265(0) 111 730 318
LSU Executive Members